"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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We at PERSPECTIVE are just like you, but Canadian incase your not, and we have felt your pain!

You have probably purchased countless expensive brand names in order to be seen, respected, or just to stay relevant, just as we did. The problem is, these purchases leave you feeling unsatisfied shortly after making them. We also know that unsatisfied feeling all too well. We have come to realize there is a better way and that we don't have to feel this way time and time again!

That's why we, at PERSPECTIVE, took the time to dig into the problem, with the help of our customers and supporters, that is. What we found was there was no connection with the brands we were supporting. We simply handed over our hard earned money in order to wear their brand or logo, that's it. It was a purely transactional relationship, nothing more, nothing less. We wanted more than that though. We demand more than that!

PERSPECTIVES goal is to provide you with quality products that actually mean something. Products that connect with you, that allow you to be seen, and to be given the respect you deserve. 

Say no to those other brands.
Wear something you actually believe in!